
1. No fly has ever committed murder (or suicide).
2. Really, what can we possibly do? lick you to death?
3. We are all of a piece & always unconnected.
4. What one fly learns, another fly knows.
5. What one fly experiences, another fly calls upon.

6. A fly never sees another fly as an enemy.
7. Because our lives are so short, flies don’t experience
old age: our final days are pretty much like our first,
maybe a little less bouncy and a lot less earnest: but
no arthritis, no psoriasis about the elbows knees & dick,

no athlete’s foot, no sciatica, no prostate the size
of a meatloaf, no gingivitis, no bone loss, no shingles.
8. There is no lord of the flies.
9. Every fly is remembered; none goes down in history.
10. What are there more of: flies or poets?


From Flies; or, the Last Days, D___h and Putrefaction of Mr. Sam Jeden
as Narrated by Eight Generations of Musca Domestica